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Module 1:Skills Builder

Section 1.2 Assignment Part C: Write Your Story


You've seen more clearly how to write a good narrative paragraph, how the details and the word choice are very important. Now it's your turn to write your own narrative paragraph, beginning with the planning and finishing with a polished, well-written story.


Choose a topic from the list below.

As part of this section assignment, you will be required to submit:

Complete the following steps:

Step: 1

Complete the "Writing Process" Portion of the assignment template in which you collect and organize your ideas on your topic.

Step: 2

Once you're finished the planning page, write your narrative paragraph.

Step: 3

Re-read your paragraph. Be sure you have a solid topic sentence. Be sure the body of your paragraph is organized logically, and that all sentences relate to your topic sentence. Go through the "Editing Checklist" and ensure you have checked your writing carefully. You don't want any careless errors.

Click on the pdf, rtf, or doc icon to download the Editing Checklist.

Chapter Notes pdf

Editing Checklist

Chapter Notes rtf

Editing Checklist

Chapter Notes doc

Editing Checklist

Step: 4

Re-write your paragraph, making the corrections and changes necessary after editing it. This is your polished, final copy. This paragraph should be approximately 125 words in length.


Write Your Story

Submit both the pre-writing template and completed paragraph.

This paragraph should tell an engaging story that keeps the reader interested. You will be marked on your overall paragraph structure, word choice, and how you kept your reader's interest. You will be graded using the Paragraph Scoring Guide. Be sure you've checked your paragraph thoroughly before submitting it to your teacher.


Description Marks
Completed Writing Process Template and First Draft with editing marks
Paragraph Scoring Guide x 2

The Paragraph Scoring Guide will be used to mark your reflection. Click on the pdf icon to view the scoring guide.

Chapter Notes pdf

Paragraph Scoring Guide