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Module 1:Skills Builder

Section 1.3 Assignment Part B: Write for the Web


The following recipe and instructions for changing a flat tire are for a website called "Useful Things to Know." The information for both is correct, but they weren't written for the Web.

Choose either Option A: Recipe or Option B: How-to Instructions and rework the piece so it's easy to read online. Reworking means rewriting and restructuring the piece, based on what you have learned in the previous lesson about writing and presenting information for the web. Use the information given, but delete anything that isn't necessary; add anything, such as headings, that would be helpful. Hint: you'll want to present it in some form other than a paragraph.

Option A: Recipe

Click on the pdf, rtf, or doc icon to complete this activity.

Chapter Notes pdf

Web Writing - Recipe

Chapter Notes rtf

Web Writing - Recipe

Chapter Notes doc

Web Writing - Recipe

Option B: How-to Instructions

Click on the pdf, rtf, or doc icon to complete this activity.

Chapter Notes pdf

Web Writing - How-to Instruction

Chapter Notes rtf

Web Writing - How-to Instruction

Chapter Notes doc

Web Writing - How-to Instruction



Chunks of information are identified with titles where appropriate and arranged in a logical order
Only significant and relevant information has been included
Information is divided into small, easily readable chunks
The piece contains only minor writing errors

Marking Scale