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Module 2: The Novel - The Chrysalids

Section 2.1 Assignment Part A: Character Sketch Template


To complete this activity you will have to identify four character traits about the character David. A character trait is a word or adjective that describes the character's personality. Examples of personality traits include brave, proud, sensitive, humble, courageous, serious, sad, resourceful, stubborn, helpful, happy, quiet, witty, calm, and mean. The list can go on and on. Consider the main character David from your novel.

Use the following points to help you come up with a list of qualities to describe the main character:

Complete the following steps in the Character Sketch template provided.

  1. Identify a main or dominant trait to describe the character.
  2. Identify additional traits or supporting character traits.
  3. Find evidence from the story to support your traits - you can summarize an action or event from the story, or use a direct quotation.

Click to download the assignment template for this section. This document will be used through Module 2: Section 1. Once the entire document has been completed you can send it into your teacher for assessment.

Chapter Notes doc

Section 2.1 Assignment Template


Character Sketch Template

Your character sketch will be evaluated for content: the traits you use to describe the main character need to be suitable, and you need to use strong quotes to support your choices.


Description Marks
1 mark for each character trait 5
2 marks for each supporting quotation or evidence 8
Total: /13