Guided Practice 3.2 B 1: Climax

After you finish reading the book, look at the list of events below. Identify the climax.

    Sophie discovers David in the Fringes and hides him in her cave.

    Sophie kills the guard and takes Rosalind and Petra to safety in her cave.

    Rosalind cuts the cross from the front of her dress.

    David finds out that his father is with the search party.

    The Sealander woman tells David not to do anything about his father, but to leave him be because his kind and his kind of thinking will not survive long.

    David sees men he has known all his life have come to hunt them down.

    The Sealander craft arrives and sends a web of sticky substance that traps everyone and holds them until they are dead.

    David considers all of the pointless suffering he has witnessed because of the laws of his society (Aunt Harriet and the baby, Anne, Katherine, Sophie and her family), and moves toward Petra, symbolically moving from the ways of his old world to the new ways of the Sealander's world.

    Rosalind looks at David and her armor is gone; it is like a flower opening.

  1. Explain why this event is the climax of the story. Refer to events before and after the climax in your answer.