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Module 3: Painting the Black

Section 3.1 Assignment Part B:


Answer two of the following questions about the characters in the novel. Use complete sentences, and provide paragraph answers of at least five sentences for each question.

Each paragraph should include a topic sentence, and at least two supporting points with reference to the novel (in the form of quotations or explanation) and a concluding statement.

This assignment requires you to carefully consider what the author tells you in the novel, and explain how the information helps you to understand the character.

  1. When Ryan asks Josh if he plays ball on the school team, the author writes, "He nodded. ’And football. Quarterback and pitcher’" (p. 14). What does Josh's answer tell about his personality? How is he different from Ryan?
  2. Josh convinces Ryan to try out for the school team. He is ecstatic when Ryan agrees. "That's what I've been waiting to hear. We'll be a team, me and you, like Steve Carlton and Tim McCarver, only better. Because we'll be like the Stealth bomber- nobody knows we're coming and bam, we'll blow them away!" (p. 43). Why does Josh want so badly for Ryan to play? Does he really want to be a "team" with Ryan?
  3. Josh won't listen to Ryan's cautions about Monica Roby. He says, "Girls are all the same. You tell them what they want to hear and they'll let you do what you want to do" (p. 45). Ryan responds to himself, "There was something in Josh's tone that made me think he really believed what he'd said" (p. 45). What do Ryan's thoughts show about him? Is he similar to Josh, or different?
  4. Josh didn't show up at Godfather's after the game, even though he'd asked Ryan to meet him there. Ryan had some time to think about the situation: "I won't say I wasn't mad at Josh, because I was. Who wouldn't be… But I was mad at myself, too. Mad for being so stupid. Because I knew what had happened. I'd known it the whole time I was sitting at Godfather's" (p. 84). What did he realize about Josh and his friendship with him? Why was Ryan mad at himself? During the time of his friendship with Josh, who had been controlling his life? What did he resolve to do?



Character Questions


Description Marks
Paragraph Scoring Guide/question 6
Total: /12

Your paragraphs will be marked for content and form. Take some time to consider your answers, write a first draft before you write your final responses, and if you can, ask someone to read your rough draft to see if they have any suggestions for improvements. Take a look at the Paragraph Scoring Guide to ensure you have included everything you need for a complete paragraph.

The Paragraph Scoring Guide will be used to mark your reflection. Click on the pdf icon to view the scoring guide.

Chapter Notes pdf

Paragraph Scoring Guide