Module 3: The Novel - Painting the Black


Lesson 3.2C: Is Change Good or Bad?

In this lesson we will focus on the changes that happen to important characters during the novel, and then look at how themes emerge from those experiences. After considering the important lessons the main character learns, you will draft and write a personal multi-paragraph composition (essay) about your own learning experience.

Is the Main Character Changed by the Events in the Story?
A character that changes during the story is called a dynamic character. A character that remains the same is called a static character. Consider the main character in your novel; has he changed in a meaningful way? What about the other characters? Complete the following guided practice to check your understanding of the characters in the novel.

Guided Practice Activity 3.2C1

What is the Theme?
Remember back to our discussion about theme in the first section. The theme is the main message of the work - what it says about life or humanity in general. The theme of a story or novel is the lasting message that the story leaves with us. There are often many themes suggested within a novel, but there are one or two that guide the entire novel, and stand out as a main message.

The way the main character changes or is affected by events in a story usually points toward the main message of the work.

Looking back at the kinds of changes that have happened in the novel, let's consider the main character to see what themes are suggested by his experience.

David accepts at the end of the novel that he is part of a new world, and not one of the Old People. Yet he is surprised and offended to hear the Sealander woman refer to the people of Waknuk, his people, as Old People. He does not find it easy to look at himself differently from his father and his community. Let's look at other ways David deals with accepting change and difference, and at what happens to David because of his choices, to see what theme is suggested.


Go to Writing on the Run! and complete the tutorial and exercises on the "Comma."

  Guided Practice Activity 3.2C2

Completing this lesson has helped you to:

  • identify the difference between static and dynamic characters.
  • explain the changes that have happened to the main character, and another dynamic character.
  • explain how theme can be related to the experiences of the main character in the novel.