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Module 3: The Novel - Painting the Black

Section 3.3 Assignment Part D: Grammar Quick Quiz


A. Identify if the subject-verb agreement is correct, or incorrect, in the following sentences:

  1. Angelina, Tara, and Lori likes to go to the cinema.

    1. correct

    1. Incorrect

  1. Tea, coffee, or juice is served with breakfast.

    1. correct

    1. Incorrect

  1. In the play, Romeo and Juliet, there is multiple acts.

    1. correct

    1. Incorrect

B. Indicate if the following sentences are in the active or passive voice. Circle your response.

  1. The questions were answered well by the speaker.

    1. active

    1. passive

  1. Shasta caught the Frisbee with her teeth, good dog!

    1. active

    1. passive

  1. The painting was painted exquisitely by the watercolour artist.

    1. active

    1. passive

  1. Joel marked Pib's test after class.

    1. active

    1. passive

C. Select the correct word form in the following sentences:

  1. Let's go on to the ____________.

    1. capitol

    1. capital

  1. _____ time to get ready for the birthday dinner tonight.

    1. It’s

    1. Its

  1. The dim light __________ the quality of the photo.

    1. affected

    1. effected


Grammar Quick Quiz



1 mark per question


