Guided Practice 4.1 C1: Crazy for Couplets


You've just learned about rhyming couplets. You might think that they sound pretty easy to write. If Shakespeare could do it, you could do it too. Right? Well, here is your chance to play with couplets just as Shakespeare would have done.


Your task is simple. Pick a person who you know well - someone whom you regularly talk to, email, or write. Create for that person a fun poem made up of two rhyming couplets. Once you have completed your four-line poem, translate your poem into plain English. Give your two versions to the person you selected. Ask your reader which she or he enjoyed reading the best, and why.

media assetGo to Crazy for Couplets and use the words that are provided to complete this guided practice.

Here's an example to get the juices flowing!

I think it is clear as my cat

You need a marshmallow hat

So stop your chopping

It is time to go shopping

Translated to plain English:

It is pretty obvious that you need a hat made out of marshmallow. So stop what you are doing and let's go shopping.