Guided Practice 4.3 D2:Distinguishing Between Fact and Opinion?


Look at the words. The language used will give you clear indication whether or not an idea can be backed up as fact or whether or not an opinion is being shared.

Examples of words used to express facts:

  • The statistics have proven

  • According to the results of the latest poll…

  • The latest results confirm

  • Scientists have recently discovered

Hint: Facts are often presented with numbers and percentages.

Examples of words used to express opinion:

  • The restaurant claims that

  • The research team argues that

  • In Doctor Lundell's view

  • Most teachers suspect that

Hint: Opinions usually only consider a very narrow perspective.


Complete the following quiz to see if you can identify the difference between fact and opinion.

Complete Section Assignment 4.3C: Reporting the EarthQuake and 4.3D: Journal Entries