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Module 5: Shakespeare

Section 5.1 Assignment Part C: Prologue Tragic Strip


You have spent a lot of time reading and understanding the Prologue in Romeo and Juliet in its original Elizabethan English. Your assignment is to now take that Prologue and represent it in a cartoon format without the use of words. (Sort of like a comic strip, except the goal is to portray tragedy!)


Draw a comic strip with seven panels. Each panel should represent two lines from the Prologue in pictorial form. For example, lines 1 and 2 would constitute one frame.

The art work for the comic strip can by done by hand or by a graphics program on your computer. If you are drawing by hand, take a standard piece of paper and divide it into seven frames, or use the template provided. In either case, the artwork should be 1) attractive 2) colourful and 3) accurately convey the action or content of the relevant lines.

An effective tragic strip would help someone who is unfamiliar with Elizabethan English understand the content of the prologue. You can download the file here and print it or add your content to the assignment template that you downloaded earlier.

Comic Strip Template pdf



Description Marks

2 marks per frame based on visual appeal and accuracy of content
