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Module 4: A Thousand Voices - Discovering Poetry and Short Stories

Section 4.3 Assignment Part A: A Heart and the Border - A Comparison


You have looked in depth at two short stories. You have an understanding of their plot, characters, and setting. Now it is time to compare them.


1. Prepare to Compare

Complete the Story Comparison Template. This quick look at the nuts and bolts of both stories side by side will help you prepare to compare. This will be just a quick summary description, as you have already answered the questions about each story in your Getting a Story to Talk Template. You may find the template you completed on "Borders" useful in completing this comparison template.

Under plot events, be sure to include: exposition, initial incident, rising action, climax, and falling action.

Click on the icon below to download the assignment template to complete this assignment.

Chapter Notes doc
Module 4: Section1
Assignment Template

2. Comparison Paragraph

Your topic for this paragraph is:

Poe's story emphasizes action and ends on the climax, whereas King's story meanders through multiple flashbacks before the initial incident and takes some time to wrap up the story after the climax. Compare the way the different approaches to plot have an impact on your enjoyment of the two stories.





Story Comparison Template - marked on thoughtful completion of each box - 1 mark per box 8

Comparison Paragraph - Paragraph Scoring Guide x 3




Your collage will be marked using the Visual Design scoring guide. Click on the pdf icon to view the scoring guide.

Visual Design Scoring Guide