This is a required course for graduation, where students explore a full range of career and
educational choices. Students explore career and life choices using the recurring cycle of
planning, reflecting, adapting, and deciding. Students will research local and global employment
trends and broaden their career-life awareness options.
- Teacher: Radley Brown
This course is strongly recommended for students who are planning on entering the workforce
directly after high school, or who are planning on pursuing a career in the trades industries.
Topics covered may include reasoning, rates of change, measurement, and statistics. Students
who successfully master the learning outcomes of this course may continue on to Apprentice
Mathematics 12. This course satisfies the Ministry of Education’s mathematics graduation
requirements. A scientific calculator is required for this course.
- Teacher: Radley Brown
Science 10 is a required lab science course consisting of units in biology, chemistry, physics, and
earth science. Topics will include genetics and DNA, chemical reactions, radioactivity,
transformation and types of energy, astronomy and the formation of the universe. This course
serves as preparation for Science 11 courses. A scientific calculator is required for this course.
- Teacher: Radley Brown
Chemistry 11 major themes include the structure of matter, chemical reactions, and related calculations. Students study atomic theory, the bonding of atoms, the Periodic Table, and naming of organic and inorganic compounds. They also learn about the properties of important groups of substances and perform lab experiments to reinforce their learning. An important part of study is quantitative chemistry, which involves calculations of amounts of substances involved in chemical reactions. Students should be capable of handling basic algebra at the Pre-Calculus Math 11 level. Students should expect regular assignments, written lab reports, and chemical calculations. A scientific calculator is required for this course.
- Teacher: Radley Brown
- Teacher: Radley Brown